Two-way care

Dwukierunkowa pielęgnacja

Double concern for the health of your skin

The skin is our largest organ and, just like the eyes, is a mirror reflecting all the changes and irregularities occurring in our body. The changes and damages occurring in the skin are to a large extent caused by pollution of the environment and the atmosphere. Stressful lifestyle, lack of rest and unbalanced diet make our beauty care even harder.

Therefore, it is very important to remember about comprehensive care and choose the right preparations: working from the outside - cosmetics, and from the inside - food supplements that will perfectly complement our skin and health care.


Outside care

Polana natural cosmetics are a unique combination of red clover with cornflower, daisy and poppy, also enriched with other plant extracts. Properly selected for the needs and type of skin, they will allow you to take care of it from the outside. Discover the Polana products - rich in ingredients, forms of preparations and giving the effect of pleasant natural care.

Inside care

Food supplements with plant extracts, vitamins and minerals combined with hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and collagen are the best way to support the condition of your skin from the inside, developed by the Polana brand. The supplement in the form of a beverage will be ready to use after diluting it with water. You can choose the flavours: our offer includes raspberry, pear and blackcurrant.

KV dwukierunkowa pielęgnacja

Red clover, also known as a women's plant, plays a major role in the Polana two-way care lines. It is a component of all Polana products - both cosmetics and food supplements.

Dowiedz się więcej
czerwona koniczyna - roślina kobiet

Dwukierunkowa pielęgnacja
- dla naturalnego piękna

Odkryj przyjemność stosowania skutecznej pielęgnacji skóry,
ukrytą w 3 liniach kosmetyków do twarzy oraz suplementów diety,
dopasowanych do różnych potrzeb Twojej skóry.


Łączy koniczynę z chabrem, dzięki czemu zapewnia prawidłowe nawilżenie skóry i poprawia jej elastyczność.


Łączy koniczynę ze stokrotką - odnawia barierę ochronną skóry, redukuje negatywne efekty działania czynników zewnętrznych i oznaki zmęczenia.


Łączy koniczynę z ekstraktem maku, spowalnia procesy starzenia, zapewnia odżywienie i wygładzenie skóry.